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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fashion Is Passion

This new post is actually my friends suggestion for what the topic is. Fashion is Passion. For me, honestly all i can think of passion is sex, pardon my word but that's the true. In fashion, the only person who has more passion for fashion is the designer itself. If the designer doesn't have passion for fashion, then there will be no outstanding fashion right? Everybody has passion for fashion, just like my friend who suggest me this topic. Fashion has many meaning and passion is just only one of it. What is the first thing come out in our mind when looking at fashion? The beauty? The quality? or money? For the buyers, they look for the beauty, as for the seller, they look for money in fashion. Sorry about that, I digress.
Passion is something that really motivate us to do something or like to do something, as a result, the piece of garment that the models wear during runway is the designer passion. they transform their passion in to fashion and as for us, we can feel the passion coming out from the garment, thanks to the designer for that garment of course.
Here are some example for garment that really has passion in it.

Designer: Vera Wang, Wedding Dress

Designer: Holly Fulton

Personally, I like Holly Fulton dress, because it has something that can catch your eye and it's very exotic pattern, i like that. I can see Vera Wang full with passion because she like it and for Holly Fulton, I cannot say anything more, because every time i see that designer dress, makes me shock and awe.
The thing is, fashion is passion, just like my friend said to me.

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