
I do not own this picture or any kind of design in this blog, all of this stuff that I use on this blog is just for commenting purpose and none other else. Thank You

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fashion in LMFAO "Sexy and I know it"

Hi, Im here just want to posting some very good yet naughty fashion taste from LMFAO new music video, I love their sexy music video. Well, here some pic which I personally shock for the first time watching it.

I bet you guys must be shock as I am for the first time right? Anyway, beside great fashion sense, the lead singer was totally great singer!
I like this scene :D

"What the F**K!!"

Monday, November 21, 2011

Called Out In The Dark by Snow Patrol

I found this amazing music video on youtube, again, as soon as I hear this song, I almost instantly fall in love with this music!!! Not just it has great dance music video (Its like retro dance music, for me) but also the voice its like fusion retro music and modern music style. It is true that they say that the past will be repeated itself, well it DID!!! It is amazing idea to make music video like that, the lead singer suddenly change, if I was the lead singer, I would beat that person DOWN!!! Hehehe. Anyway, there is one dance mistake on this video, I dont know why but I think it is do on purpose, I hope so. Flash-lights dance is something new for me, plus wearing a tonic covered cloth that glow in the dark add more unique on this video. Above all, it is a great music!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lady Gaga become Lady!!!

New Lady Gaga music video title "The Lady is a Tramp", the first time i saw this music at youtube, i couldn't believe my ear and eye, watching and listening Lady Gaga feat with Tony Bennett, Gaga become more Lady than monster!!! WoW  The color of her hair is the only that Lady Gaga is only Gaga personality. ^^ Personally I like Lady Gaga video a lot, even there are so many negative comment about her song. ^^ This song is actually a story about a HOMELESS lady who knows hi-fashion!!!  
Quality advertising. Big traffic. Increase sales. Promote your website. Advertise your product to shoppers.

Cheap but GOOOOD!!!!

Cheap but freaking GOOD!!! What is all about that? Cheap but good, everyone likes this statement, remember, cheap but good. I know some cheap stuff very different quality from expensive stuff, but SOME of cheap stuff are GOOD as EXPENSIVE STUFF! Even cloth, hats, bags and maybe, a knock out product can be good as the original product. ^^ So why bother buying expensive stuff if you can get cheap stuff with good QUALITY! I think it is because of our mind set of thinking, we already have the confidence that expensive stuff is more better than cheap stuff, but think again... Buy tomato, smash it and smear it on your skin, can make your skin lighter and healthier, this effect also the same as we buy any cosmetic product in the market, the differences? It's the PRICE!!! Also, some good and cheap cosmetic product can be useful to help ease your financial problem, just like me:) For example, Dove Beauty Bar, only cost me RM2.60 and it's really make my skin moisturize, believe ME!!! There are many good and cheap product available, you guys just have to have a little bit of trust on that product, especially branded product like Dove, Nivea, and many more okay :]
 Well, its not the same box mine, but it is still Dove Beauty Bar Soap ^^
Global Promotion Alliance

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New LMFAO video really something =.='

'Sexy and I know it' That video really do have something. I dont know what you guys think after watching LMFAO new video, but for what the (    )!!! That video totally turn my mind 100%!!! I use to watching almost naked ladies dancing and try to seduce men but this video is totally opposite, it was the men who trying to seduce the LADIES or perhaps the MEN also xD  In term of fashion, I cannot comment about that video fashion, I really do cannot comment it. Why? First, it is more skin than fashion :] and secondly simple but very high fashion, but sometime it is too sexy to watch, they name that video right, 'Sexy and I know it' :]

Global Promotion Alliance

Fashion is not just outlook matters but what is inside does matter.

Beauty at the OUT SIDE, beauty at the IN SIDE. People use to judge a person by its look. Same with me, personally i judge people with their outlook, if it is steady and nice, I can see what kind of personalty direct through their looks. Dont get me wrong, no want know better than God right? "-" What I'm try to say is that we always make mistake by judging someone with their looks, if someone very dirty and unclean doesn't mean that person is a BAD guy right? So what is matter is the HEART!!! ^.^ No matter how your outlooks looks like,  people still want our HEART to be GOOD as our OUTLOOK.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Do you want to change the world?

That is the big question, do you want to change the word? Do you like this kind of world that you been living to? Is it good enough this word for you? For me, i don't know, sometime i feel it isnt good enough for me but sometime i think it is more than enough for me. How about you guys? Do you think like me also? Then how can you change this world? Have you guys contribute enough for this world? I dont think so, as for me, I didnt think I contribute enough to this world. We live in very easy way, we use everything in the simplest way, we make our self comfortable even we know that someday we will pay for that short comfortable moments.

Try to reuse all your cloth, sometime if you use that old fashion, it might turn into new fashion trend in your community =) try to mix and match your old fashion, who knows, it might turn into FABU fashion. You can feel better that you can contribute something to the world by even just reuse your old cloth. Not just that, your green best friend also wouldnt finish just by buying new cloth right? =)
The world only have 2 ways to go, the bad ways and the good ways. So choose wisely...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Religion vs Fashion?

There is no doubt about many religious law that against many fashion trend. For an example, wearing 'tudung' or 'hijap' in consider as not fashionable or not popular among women, why no? because it is for Muslim women only, but is it just for them only? No, fashion is free, fashion is free for all people, whether you are Muslim or not, but just FYI, some religious law FORBID other religious to do what their do.
Speaking about religious law and fashion trend, I'm a Muslim and I know my religious law, God FORBID women to show their 'aurat' or their skin to anyone that is not sharing the same bloodline with her, I don't know about other religious law but I bet their have the law that forbid women to wear sexy no?

That's about religious way, but what about fashion trend? Do a Muslim women must sacrifice their beauty or hide their beauty because their religion? Do a Jewish people must not tattooing their body just because their religious right? Just put up this way, if someone say what you do is wrong, that would you continue to do it? That is up to personal judgement and personal opinion. Be glad that you have your own religion faith because for me, a person without religion is like a fashion without the designer.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shoes, oh my Shoes

What kind of foot wear do you like? Sport? Casual? or just a simple street shoes that suit your taste. There are many type of foot wear today, some are very weird and some quite interesting to wear it. For me, I like to wear a comfortable shoes that would not hurt if you walk nonstop for hours. I like running shoes rather than other shoes but I also like casual shoes, a black lather shoes that shine when the light hit the shoes.
Enough talking about my shoes, lets talk about what kind of shoes or foot wear that you like?

Is it this one?

Very comfy right? or rather this one?

Wedding Shoes for Ladies.

The point is, we can chose any kind of shoes that suit your taste but you must remember, the best foot wear is your FOOT IT SELF!!! p/s please don't buy counterfeit product anymore, I know that fake product are very cheep and almost look the same but please, if you like the brand, please buy the BRAND not the FAKE BRAND!!! one more thing, don't buy endangered animal base product such as using cheetah fur to make shoe lather or anything that using this type of material, because I hate people killing animal for our foot and our money. Okay? :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Naked or not?

Fashion is all about fashion, garment, and a piece of cloth that cover the model body. Yet this garment will go to our closet with or without our self knowing. The question is it betters that fashion that shows more skin than less skin? What I’m trying to say is that fashion is not just showing the sexiness of a person wearing a dress or other fashion design, but as you can see, many people misunderstood what fashion is all about. The dress!!! Not the model or the person wearing it!!!
Yes I know that bikini is also a fashion but that is it, a bikini. What about other fashion design as well? Would it be better just not wearing any piece of garment at all? That would be totally sexy in the eyes of the public.
The question remains, do you prefer a fashion that has more cloth on it or just a string and patch to cover what must be cover only? 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Green Celeb

Green celebrities or very heart caring mother nature celebrities. Do you think that every celeb only care about their looks and famous? Perhaps some celeb in Hollywood do. What do we mean about the green celeb? The green celeb means a very famous or almost famous celebrities contribute their life or their money to make our world greener and better. Not just that, they some how become one of the top green organization ambassador in the world.
I like Leonardo DiCaprio, of course he's handsome and adorable men, do you guys remember Titanic?
Hot, rich, famous, kind heart and an top of that, Leonardo is the top green celebrities in the world. (I think)
What could you ask for more if you have everything that you need? Perhaps it is time to return what we get, back to nature. Perhaps that is what Leonardo is trying to do, give back to mother nature.
For more info about him, just wikipedia Leo and wallah...
This would help you learn about Leonardo and his environment activities more detail.
"Mother Nature always Give, but sometime Mother Nature also can Take..."


To those who don't know about fashion week, than this is some example video about fashion week 2010 at London Fashion Week. (This video actually from youTube, so all rights and credit belong to the uploader)

Life's hard.

Do you know that we living in circle of life? Well, I'm not believe in reincarnation but all I'm saying that we live in same pattern all over time.
We want to look good so that it can boots our confidence, we want to feel good in order to get a comfortable life, we want to achieve something in our life, achieve something that more valuable than our life, perhaps money, perhaps other thing.
Have you ever trying not to dress up properly when going to class? Have you ever not thinking about fashion for just a second? For me, no, the only thing i can forget fashion only when I'm praying to God. We try so hard to impress people around us, yet we don't really know what exactly what we want in our life.
All I'm trying to say is, we try too hard to impress people around us, not our self. We cut our hair so that our friend would like us better, we buy expensive Gucci boots to impress our friend, but can it impress us?
We living in the same pattern all over generation and we using the same ideology every time when it comes to fashion, try to impress or amaze our friend. Try to thinking like your body is just like a living store with many kinds of item, from head to toe, that is what we all about, a living, always updated human store.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

There is nothing perfect

Is it real, there is nothing perfect in this world? Why would I say something like that? Personally, no matter how hard we try to be perfect, we would never become perfect. 99.99% perfection, this is what we all can achieve for perfection.
No matter how good or great the designer is, everyone is a critic, and somebody will criticizes that designer design, perhaps one or more. ‘This is perfect!!!’ this world always come out from our mouth about fashion, about how we dress ours self or about how we do things in life, but the thing is, there is no 100% perfection.
Perhaps your friend would critic your own outfit, or perhaps people would critic that the designer design is too strange.
We cannot fulfill 100% of our needs and want, moreover people need and wants. “Everybody is a critic”. This word will totally deny that perfection is impossible to achieve. As for fashion, we can only satisfy 99% of what we call, almost perfection.
No matter what you dress yourself, there would be someone critic about your dress, remember that. All we need is to achieve almost perfection, just ignore the 1% people critic about your fashion or your taste, because without them, you would be just like a stone statue, nothing changes since long time ago.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sometime things happen...

Sometime things happen and we didn't even prepare for what we will face, and all we can do is pray and just let it be. Earthquake and tsunami, nature catastrophe happen to our Asian country, Japan. Lets us all pray for their safety and also let us help them with donation and any kind of help that we can give to them in other to ease their suffering and pain.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fashion is Emotion?

Do you feel something if you see a good quality fashion? Do you know what is that exactly feelings? Many designer trying to express their emotion through fashion that they create but how many are we noticed it? Perhaps 1 in 1000 but that is just guessing figure. For me, fashion is just like the designer inner face, they express their feeling and emotion through out fashion that they created and as a result, many people see this 'emotion' as something incredible yet touching... Black theme for sad occasion, white theme for joyful air and red theme for passionate night... Each fashion has it's own emotion...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fashion in Music Video

Every music video has its own fashion theme, some of them are more than one fashion them. Crazy, sexy, slutty, memorable, fun, demonic, casual and formal, some of this theme may seems too outrageous but the overloaded meaning in each music video makes the video more valuable and catchy. I come out with this topic from my friend, I encourage him to make a blog just like I am, and he say he music video. He can comment of the music video, and as for me, I can comment on the fashion in the music video. I just focus on fashion in each music video.
The most crazy and outrageous fashion in music video is none other than Lady Gaga, overly makeup and overly trying to appeal what the concept in each music video makes Lady Gaga a crazy yet unique fashion icon. I personally like Telephone, one of Lady Gaga music video, I like the craziness of cigarette eye wear, tin like hair and almost no cloth of cloth, plus with Beyoncé dark color lips and gothic like eye makes me chill to the bone yet excited at the same time. I like the scene how to make ‘poison’ sandwich, her aqua blue telephone head art and transparent white dress with X mark on her breast, really teasing my faith. That is what I like Lady Gaga about, able to tease people with her sexy and controversial dress.

Lady Gaga in Telephone

Taylor Swift, top country singer and gorgeous women. Her music video almost represents her past life or personal life. The thing that I like about her is that she write music base on literature art, poem. I know that I’m supposed to talk about fashion but I digress a little bit. Let see now, I like Tear Drop on Guitar, the fashion in that music video is poise and tenderness fashion. The way she dress while singing at the bed with her guitar, green dress with little bling, around her right eye cover with shining bits complete a set of perfect women in despair of love. I like that green dress so much because of the color, as if I see someone with green eye glowing in front of me.

Taylor Swift in Tear Drop on my Guitar

Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift, different fashion theme, yet same reason, to sing with outstanding dress and crazy yet amazing dress. Truly amazing piece of art and fashion.

Men In Black

Men in black means men in black cloth, maybe a priest or maybe a man that attended funeral occasion. Men in black, in fashion term, men always wearing black tuxedo in any occasion, with or without changes, even if the tux change, but it’s only changes just a little bit. This suit is still reminding the same every year. Why? Because it’s has more sax appeal rather than other type of fashion. Tight on the hips, broad on the shoulder, who say sexy is just for women only? This tux will make women dreaming about the men that wearing tux. Many of celeb in Hollywood wearing tux just the where they are, simple bowtie, white dress inside the tux, black shoes and sexy black long pants that cover what’s hidden in there. The brands for each tux may be different but the concept and design for tuxedo still remind the same, black tux with smaller size on the men’s waist, white long hand shirt, tight black pants and black, shimmering shoes.

Giorgio Armani Tuxedo

For me, tuxedo represents men formal ‘bikini’ at red carpet or any occasion. Even if that person not very handsome or cute, but the tuxedo gives some kind of sexually energy and charming energy, as if the tux is men formal ‘bikini’. Men in black, makes women go mad…

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fashion Is Passion

This new post is actually my friends suggestion for what the topic is. Fashion is Passion. For me, honestly all i can think of passion is sex, pardon my word but that's the true. In fashion, the only person who has more passion for fashion is the designer itself. If the designer doesn't have passion for fashion, then there will be no outstanding fashion right? Everybody has passion for fashion, just like my friend who suggest me this topic. Fashion has many meaning and passion is just only one of it. What is the first thing come out in our mind when looking at fashion? The beauty? The quality? or money? For the buyers, they look for the beauty, as for the seller, they look for money in fashion. Sorry about that, I digress.
Passion is something that really motivate us to do something or like to do something, as a result, the piece of garment that the models wear during runway is the designer passion. they transform their passion in to fashion and as for us, we can feel the passion coming out from the garment, thanks to the designer for that garment of course.
Here are some example for garment that really has passion in it.

Designer: Vera Wang, Wedding Dress

Designer: Holly Fulton

Personally, I like Holly Fulton dress, because it has something that can catch your eye and it's very exotic pattern, i like that. I can see Vera Wang full with passion because she like it and for Holly Fulton, I cannot say anything more, because every time i see that designer dress, makes me shock and awe.
The thing is, fashion is passion, just like my friend said to me.

Everything is Fashion

Everything that you see, everything that you feel is fashion. No matter what you do, fashion always is apart from your life. The food that we eat is considered as fashion. Sound funny right, but that is what the fact. Why would I say food is fashion? Because we using the same concept to impress people to buy it, by the way the food present and feel, same goes to fashion. Let us some example of this piece of art.

The garnishing makes the food appeal more and testier, as if the garnish is the cloth and the main ingredient in that food is the sexy model on top of the silver platter. Do you know that the word garnish have the almost same meaning to garment?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Adidas and Puma are Brothers?

What? Adidas and Puma are brothers? Well, actually the founder of Adidas and the founder of Puma are siblings. The thing is, Puma is the older brother for Adidas but as you all can see right now, Adidas seems to be more famous than Puma. It's like a little brother achieve greater success than big brother. Nonetheless, I like both of them, I like Puma leather shoes design just like this one.

Mens Puma Speed Cat Brown. I like the design very much and more importantly, it made out of leather. Leather product has high durability rather than other product, this is base on my experience wearing leather product. If I'm wrong, then done try to correct me, hehehe.
Anyway, i like Adidas too, 3 stripe, this stripe is notable to all people around the world. This distinctive mark represent that company itself. For me, I like Adidas Running Shoes, because most of Adidas running shoes comes with light weight and very comfortable to wear it. I buy my Adidas Running Shoes with half price at Adidas Store and even if it was less value in the eyes of people, but the most important things is the usage of this shoes, the function of this shoes. Here some of the example of Adidas Performance Running Shoes.

Adidas Supernova Glide

Men's Adidas Breeze

Fashion is just limited to garment that almost anorexic model wears in runway, it's also the foot that we step everyday. Fashion also not limited to womens only, but men as well and fashion not limited to beauty, but health as well.

Fashion In Asia

Asia, not much like the Western people, but in Asia, culture just like a bag of rice that has many color in it, but they are all the same, rice. Such as fashion, in Asia, fashion has many ways to describe them to the world, sometimes pain is the fashion, and pain is beauty. For the Western people, the test of Asian people may seem to a little bit weird and different from the West but this weirdness and the differences is what makes Asian fashion is so unique and beautiful. For example, at Borneo Island, tattoo is considered as beauty and fashion for men among the Iban tribes and long neck in, also consider as beauty and fashion. Wearing heavy weight of decoration among the Iban women consider as fashion for them, they can stand the weight of fashion because they understand what the meaning of fashion in their own perspective is. In Malaysia, the Malay men always ware baju melayu, which mean Malay Wear, in formal occasion such as wedding and special event.

This baju melayu is basically a long hand T-Shirt, with button below the neck, sometime it can be shape just like V shape and also can be shape with full button until below the neck and lastly, sampin, a very simple design piece of garment but has its own original design. This sampin or kain belikat is just like a piece of towel that the end of the towel meets with another end of the towel, making it just like a tube tuck. There are many countries in this Asia area such as Japan, China and Indonesia, all of this country has its own cultural fashion that we can use as an inspiration to all designer around the world and we can see that many successful designers comes from Asia background such as Vera Wang and many more. The world has many things to teach us and it’s up to us whether we want it or not.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

There's no Week Such as a Fashion Week

Question, what is fashion week? Fashion week is like a tool to promote any fashion designer,brands and anything that related with fashion, and hopefully that any people with fat wallet and overloaded digits balance in their account buy their stuff. Many new discovered talented designer will be appear during fashion week, not just new, but old as well. The main goal for fashion week is to introduce what's new in each designer, brands or anything so that they can generate profit and pay the models in the runway.
During fashion week, I think the most noticeable things there is the piece of cloth that cover the model body and walk sexily at the runway, thinking not to make mistake in each step because it will ruin their career for a model.
People want to see something different during fashion week, or something that has been long time forgotten in time to make it's first comeback at fashion show, such as big glasses that Elvis wear it. Be prepare for any fashion week because, you might expecting something more that you could expected...

What's Old in Fashion?

I just reading Marie Antoinette story from and I wonder why is it that this lady still become the world fashion icon even after her death. I think maybe it because of the way that she dress and the way she fashioning herself during that time makes her so popular until today. She also like playing doll very much during her young age time and she use to dress the doll as much as she dress herself. Perhaps her sense of fashion develop within herself each time she dress herself and also her dolls. Same goes to today fashion industry, we try and try to achieve perfection in fashion and trying to present the most fashionable fashion of all time, but in the end, fashion will become history, just like Marie Antoinette. She's the most memorable and a fashion iconic of all time.

Fashion Can't Die

"Tell me about yourself." that question is always pop ups from the mouth of interviewer and yet, they did not pay any attention to your personal story, even if you telling them that your personal story is related to the job that you applying than. They just pay attention about our weaknesses, they basically choose the person who have low weaknesses but high with skill. Our skill can be written in our resume but we didn't put our weaknesses in our resume right? That is why most of interviewer trying to find our weaknesses instead of our strength, same goes to fashion.
I maybe new in fashion industry but I believe I have 'the gift' from the Divine Power, the give that can determine what is good and what is bad from each fashion designer. Everything in fashion has it's own story and fashion story will not end until God itself say that, "It's time to end everything..."
Fashion cannot die because we have the history of fashion and fashion doesn't have life except for those who were it, than the fashion become 'Alive!!!' that's why fashion can't die.